just type the expression you want to calculate and press enter, for example,
> 1 + 1
will come up with the result
1 + 1 --> 2 (R1)
the last line is the result of the express.
Every expression evaluated is assigned to a variable starting with R1. so this variable can
be used in next expression. for example,
1 + 1 --> 2 (R2)
>R1 + 5
R1 + 5 --> 7 (R2)
Functions can be used in the expression.
sqrt(90) --> 9.486832980505138 (R1)
Arithmetic Functions | |
abs(x) | |
add(x,y) | |
ceil(x) | |
cube(x) | |
divide(x,y) | |
dotDivide(x, y) | |
dotMultiply(x, y) | |
dotPow(x, y) | |
exp(x) | |
fix(x) | |
floor(x) | |
gcd(a, b) | |
lcm(a, b) | |
log(x [, base]) | |
log10(x) | |
mod(x, y) | |
multiply(x, y) | |
norm(x [, p]) | |
nthRoot(a, root) | |
pow(x, y) | |
round(x [, n]) | |
sign(x) | |
sqrt(x) | |
square(x) | |
subtract(x, y) | |
unaryMinus(x) | |
unaryPlus(x) | |
xgcd(a, b) | |
Bitwise Functions | |
bitAnd(x, y) | |
bitNot(x) | |
bitOr(x, y) | |
bitXor(x, y) | |
leftShift(x, y) | |
rightArithShift(x, y) | |
rightLogShift(x, y) | |
Complex Functions | |
arg(x) | |
conj(x) | |
im(x) | |
re(x) | |
Construction Functions | |
bignumber(x) | |
boolean(x) | |
chain(value) | |
complex(re, im) | |
index(range1, range2, ...) | |
number(value) | |
unit(x) | |
logical Functions | |
and(x, y) | |
not(x) | |
or(x, y) | |
xor(x, y) | |
matrix Functions | |
concat(a, b, c, ... [, dim]) | |
cross(x, y) | |
det(x) | |
diag(X) | |
dot(x, y) | |
eye(n) | |
flatten(x) | |
inv(x) | |
ones(m, n, p, ...) | |
range(start, end [, step]) | |
resize(x, size [, defaultValue]) | |
size(x) | |
squeeze(x) | |
subset(x, index [, replacement]) | |
transpose(x) | |
zeros(m, n, p, ...) | |
probability Functions | |
combinations(n, k) | |
distribution(name) | |
factorial(n) | |
gamma(n) | |
permutations(n) | |
pickRandom(array) | |
random([min, max]) | |
randomInt([min, max]) | |
relational Functions | |
compare(x, y) | |
deepEqual(x, y) | |
equal(x, y) | |
larger(x, y) | |
largerEq(x, y) | |
smaller(x, y) | |
smallerEq(x, y) | |
unequal(x, y) | |
statistics Functions | |
max(a, b, c, ...) | |
mean.mean(a, b, c, ...) | |
mean.median(a, b, c, ...) | |
min(a, b, c, ...) | |
prod(a, b, c, ...) | |
std(a, b, c, ...) | |
sum(a, b, c, ...) | |
var(a, b, c, ...) | |
trigonometry Functions | |
acos(x) | |
asin(x) | |
atan(x) | |
atan2(y, x) | |
cos(x) | |
cosh(x) | |
cot(x) | |
coth(x) | |
csc(x) | |
csch(x) | |
sec(x) | |
sech(x) | |
sin(x) | |
sinh(x) | |
tan(x) | |
tanh(x) | |
units Functions | |
to(x, unit) | |
utils Functions | |
clone(x) | |
filter(x, test) | |
forEach(x, callback) | |
format(value [, precision]) | |
import(filename | object, override) | |
map(x, callback) | |
print(template, values [, precision]) | |
sort(x) | |
typeof(x) |